Kitzenhauslauf, Walheim 2018
Yesterday I was at the Strong Viking. It was a great day but exhausting. And today my club “Lustlauf - Mein Verein e.V.” took part on the “Kitzenhauslauf”. I wouldn’t have taken part too because yesterday. But my club president ordered me to take part. I’m a very obedient underling and so it was necessary to obey!
you know me (and my president does) you know if you challenge me, I
will do it all the more! I wasn’t sure about it, but I’m cheeky. And so I
said it loud “If you challenge me, I will win at my age group!”
had very heavy legs. But who cares? I wanted to run! I wanted to show
them all I could. And at the end I was the first of the Group M40 (Yes I
became at this year 40).
president was very proud: I was standing on the top of the stairs. But
he was also proud of all the other club runners. It was - like on every other day - very funny to see you all and run together!
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