Xletix Grömitz 2019

 Everyone said “You must be crazy!” while they were shaking her heads. But this wasn’t new for me and, yes, I have to admit, I’m crazy!

For this Xletix I had to cross the country. The event was 600km far away from my home. Sorry Greta, I know it’s not very eco-friendly, but I had already heard a lot about this event and only very good things! And so I had to go there!


Okay, I only have participated at 3 Xletix but on many, many other OCRs. And so I think that I can quite allow myself a judgment. The Xletix in Grömitz are one of the top ten event I have participated! But it was sure one of the harder runs too!


The sand was an obstacle in itself. Not the whole track but enough of it we were running at the beach. The scenery was extremely beautiful: The sea, the beach, the sun …. Very nice to look at!


I started at 9:20 with the first wave. Not at least because I had to drove home at the same day. We started with the obligatory warm-up. After that we started the track. I hadn’t the pool position. On the contrary: I started pretty far behind. But I fought my way forward and after maybe 4Km I was the number one. We all know it’s not a race. But it’s a big ego push to be the first runner and “win the race”.


The obstacles weren’t new. Most of them were known to me. But that’s normal. They can’t exchange the obstacles during the year. See it positive: So you can see a development on yourself. Obstacles that you did not manage at the beginning of the year will you probably manage at the end of the year.

Every track has its own natural obstacles. And so I Expected some beach typical obstacles. I was not disappointed. It was a beach event - a really good beach event! Obstacles in and at the sea. We hadn’t much mud (but too), but instead of this we had water - many (sea) water!


I (and i normally do this) booked the longest distance. I booked 18+km. At the end it was a 19,5km funny track! I loved to be there and for sure I will be back next year!

