ATG Herbstlauf 2018, Aachen

We arrived a little early at the ATG club home. Since we still had time, we enjoyed the still warm sun on the sports field, had fun and made the important selfie.image

The start was approaching, we were in the front third of the runners field and waited for the starting shot. “PENG” and off we went. First we had to run a lap around the sports field, to then leaf the sports field to go on the track. The track was very poisonous and hard. One rise followed the next. Some of them could only be walked, but not ran. And, because of the foliage, some downhill parts were very slippy. But, especially because of the foliage, the track was wonderful. I like the colors in the autumn. It’s crazy how wonderful the death can look. The Sun was shining, the weather was great and everywhere the smell and the look of autumn - love it!image

All runners were more than satisfied, with the services provided on the wonderful character trail and I got back to the ATG club home after 10,6km and 50:26 minutes.image
