ToughMudder NRW 2018
I told a lot about ToughMudder and other OCRs the last days! Once again
this year we were in middle Germany (Arnsberg) to have a very special
day! But I don’t want to replay myself. Nothing really special happened.
Please don’t misunderstand me: It was a very great day, but the obstacles
were mostly the same like last year. Nothing really special in
comparison to the others ToughMudders happened.
let me take a look on the side of the track. What happens directly
beside you? Let me do a little homage to all the volunteer helpers:
for helping! Without you not one OCR could be done! You instruct
people, you show them the way, you help everywhere where help is needed
and not at last you do everything for our safety! Great Job! You
motivate us if we are at the end of our strength. You cheer at us.
You keep the mood the highest level!
You all are a very important part of the OCR family! Please help further
to make every single OCR the best event on earth!
This time, I never felt at risk. Like by all other events. You did it! You did it the best way it can be done! Thank you all!
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