ATG-Winterlauf, Aachen 2016
One of the most popular running sport event in my
hometown and at the same time almost the end of the sports year is the
ATG Winterlauf. We, the Lustlauf - Mein Verein e.V., take part on this
18km (~11,2 miles) run from the old to the new clubhouse of the ATG.
This event is held every year in the middle of December.
The track is a mixture of street- and field run, with some trail parts.
The great thing is, that it isn’t a round. We travel by buses to the
start point. Once you sit in the bus there is no backing out! You have
to run! As you can imagine, it’s a bit special. Further it is in the
wintertime. It’s cold, mostly wet and if you are lucky everything is
white because of the snow.
I like to run in the winter. Okay, I like it in every season: summer, winter, spring and autumn. But in the winter the air is extra fresh! You breathe cold air extra deep. It feels great. And the look of the nature: white of snow, sleepy quiet and the special blue daylight. I love it! It’s a good and popular event!
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