
Showing posts from October, 2016

Strong Viking, Frankfurt 2016

OCR saves lives! Sounds to enthusiastic? No… Did you read (or maybe better saw) the “ Xletix NRW 2016 ” - blog? I motivated some colleagues for it. And one of them stopped  smoking to become a better sportsman. Probably he will never be an athletic but is this necessary? No, it isn’t (my opinion). The only thing, you  should to be, is fit. No matter how fast you run, no matter how strong you are. You should be fit and feel good. My colleagues trained before and after the Xletix, and so they wanted to go to a further OCR - Good done! It was called “Strong Viking”. These OCR series has some different editions (e.g. mud, water, steel, hills, brother, family) which all have another focus. We selected the brother edition.This edition has its focus on teamwork. Obstacles which you can’t do alone are in the focus. The best choice to build a team or to strength one. The weather was perfect, our mood could not have been better. Even if our team wasn’t on one fitness level...