
Showing posts from May, 2017

Nachlauf, Köln 2017

 On the way with some of my “ Lustlauf ” -mates  

Fischerman’s Friend StrongmanRun 2017, Nürburgring

At the MudMatsers I learned to pay more attention to my own needs and take better care of myself. At the Fischerman’s Friend StrongmaRun 2017 I took me self out of the race. The Race was on a Saturday. During the week before I was ill. I couldn’t eat enough and I often had to vomit. But on Friday everything was fine again, I thought. And so I decided to start at the run. I quickly felt, that this wasn’t a good choice and I stopped the race for me - I felt like a poor boy looking at the other sport mans. This isn’t o nice story of an OCR but that’s life. The next OCR will come! Two weeks later we booked the Fisherman’s Friend StrongmanRun for 2018